
Concrete Rupas

Physics lab cloud chamber traces of subatomic entities
Physics lab cloud chamber traces of subatomic entities

The eigh­teen rupa types list­ed below are grouped togeth­er as mat­ter pos­sess­ing inher­ent nature because each type has dif­fer­ent objec­tive qual­i­ties such as hard­ness, soft­ness, tem­per­a­ture, etc.

Essential rupas

  • Solidity, hardness (or earth-element) rupa
  • Fluidity, cohesion (or water-element) rupa
  • Heat (or fire-element) rupa
  • Motion, pressure (or air-element) rupa

The earth ele­ment serves as the sup­port and foun­da­tion of its coex­ist­ing rupas.

The water ele­ment is the mate­r­i­al fac­tor that caus­es var­i­ous rupas to come together.

The func­tion of the fire ele­ment is to mature oth­er rupas.

The char­ac­ter­is­tic of the air ele­ment is expan­sion and caus­ing move­ment of oth­er rupas.

Sensitive rupas

  • Sight-sensitivity rupa
  • Sound-sensitivity rupa
  • Smell-sensitivity rupa
  • Taste-sensitivity rupa
  • Touch-sensitivity rupa

Over­all, these make up the five phys­i­cal sense organs that are sen­si­tive to sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.

Sight-sen­si­tive rupas are found as the sub­stance in the reti­na that detects light and col­or. Serve as phys­i­cal base and gate­way for visu­al consciousness.

Sound-sen­si­tive rupas are found inside the ear canal and con­sti­tute the sub­stance that reg­is­ters sounds. Serve as phys­i­cal base and gate­way for sound consciousness.

Smell-sen­si­tive rupas are found inside the nos­trils as the sub­stance that detects smells. Serve as phys­i­cal base and gate­way for olfac­to­ry consciousness.

Taste-sen­si­tive rupas are found scat­tered over the tongue and serve to detect taste. Serve as phys­i­cal base and gate­way for taste consciousness.

Touch-sen­si­tive rupas are every­where on and in the organ­ic body and serve to reg­is­ter tac­tile sen­sa­tions. Serve as phys­i­cal base and gate­way for tac­tile consciousness.

Sense-object rupas

  • Sight-object rupa
  • Sound-object rupa
  • Smell-object rupa
  • Taste-object rupa
  • Touch-object rupa

Over­all, sense-object rupas have the prop­er­ty of inter­act­ing with sense rupas. Their role is to be objects of sen­so­ry consciousness.

Tac­tile objects are made up of three essen­tial ele­ments: the earth-ele­ment, expe­ri­enced as hard­ness or soft­ness; the fire-ele­ment, expe­ri­enced as heat or cold; and the air-ele­ment, expe­ri­enced as pres­sure. The water-ele­ment (cohe­sion) is exclud­ed because one does not sense cohesion.

The oth­er four kinds of sense objects — vis­i­ble forms, sounds, smells and tastes, are mat­ter derived from the four essen­tial rupas.

Gender rupas

  • Femininity rupa
  • Masculinity rupa

The two fac­ul­ties fem­i­nin­i­ty and mas­culin­i­ty, have char­ac­ter­is­tics of the female and male sex respec­tive­ly. They are man­i­fest­ed as the cause of the fem­i­nine or mas­cu­line fea­tures of the body, and of the typ­i­cal fem­i­nine or mas­cu­line behavior.

Heart rupa

  • Heart base rupa

This is not the phys­i­cal heart itself, but a sub­stance in the heart that depends on the blood inside the heart. Heart rupa is assist­ed by the four essen­tial rupas and main­tained by life fac­ul­ty rupa.

Life faculty rupa

  • Life faculty rupa

Life fac­ul­ty rupa is char­ac­ter­ized by sus­tain­ing its coex­ist­ing rupas and caus­ing them to arise.

Nutritional rupa

  • Nutriment rupa

Makes up the nutri­tion­al sub­stance that is con­tained e.g. in the edi­ble food. Its func­tion is to main­tain the phys­i­cal body.

April 2024