Supramundane consciousness transcends the world of the five aggregates of clinging and leads to liberation from the cycle of birth-and-death (samsara) and to the attainment of Nibbana. There are four stages of enlightenment — stream-entry, once-returning, non-returning and arahantship. Each stage involves two types of citta, path citta and fruition citta. All eight supramundane cittas take Nibbana — the only unconditioned reality — as their object. The function of path cittas is to eradicate (or permanently subdue) defilements. The function of fruition cittas is to experience the liberation made possible by the corresponding path citta. Path cittas are classified as wholesome, fruition cittas as resultant.
Each path citta arises only once and lasts only for one mind-moment. The corresponding fruition citta initially arises immediately after the path citta and lasts for 2 – 3 mind-moments. Subsequently, the fruition citta can be repeated, and with practice made to last for many mind-moments.
The path and fruition stages are achieved via the meditation method called development of insight (vipassana). This type of meditation involves strengthening the capacity for wisdom. By sustained attention to the varying phenomena of mind and matter, the meditator learns to discern their true characteristics of impermanence, suffering and non-self.
Stream-entry path citta (sotapatti) is the gateway to the irreversible path to liberation from samsara. The stream is the Noble Eightfold Path with its eight factors: right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right attention, and right concentration. A person who has reached this stage is sure of attaining final liberation in a maximum of seven lives.
The function of the stream-entry path citta is to cut off the first three fetters — wrong view of self, doubt in the Buddhist teachings, and clinging to rituals and ceremonies. This citta also cuts off those forms of greed, hatred and delusion that are strong enough to lead to a degraded rebirth. Likewise, the citta permanently eliminates five other cittas, namely the four mundane unwholesome cittas rooted in greed and associated with wrong view, as well as the mundane unwholesome citta rooted in delusion and associated with doubt.
Once-returning path citta (sakadagami) subdues the grosser forms of sense desire and ill will, but it does not eradicate them completely. The person who has reached this stage will be reborn in the sense world only once more before attaining final liberation.
Non-returning path citta (anagami) eliminates all forms of sense desire and ill will; it also permanently eliminates the two mundane unwholesome cittas rooted in hatred. The person who has reached this stage will never again be reborn in the sensual plane. If arahantship is not achieved within the same lifetime, the person will be reborn in the fine-material realm and reach the goal from there.
Arahantship path citta (arahatta) destroys the five subtle fetters: desire for fine-material existence, desire for immaterial existence, conceit, restlessness, and ignorance. It also eliminates the remaining types of mundane unwholesome cittas — the four rooted in greed without wrong view and the one rooted in delusion associated with restlessness. An arahant is a completely liberated person, one who has eliminated all defilements. Arahantship path citta is the citta that leads directly to full liberation.
Fruition cittas: Each fruition citta arises automatically immediately after its respective path citta, which as mentioned is only experienced once. After that, the meditative experience of the fruition citta can arise many times. Fruit cittas are classified as resultant cittas. There are no supramundane functional cittas.